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Dim and Small Target Detection Based on Local Energy Aggregation Degree of Sequence Images

Title: Dim and Small Target Detection Based on Local Energy Aggregation Degree of Sequence Images 

Author(s): Fan, XS (Fan Xiangsuo); Xu, ZY (Xu Zhiyong) 

Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPTICS  Volume: 2019  Article Number: 9282141  DOI: 10.1155/2019/9282141  Published: DEC 13 2019   

Abstract: In order to improve the detection ability of dim and small targets in dynamic scenes, this paper first proposes an anisotropic gradient background modeling method combined with spatial and temporal information and then uses the multidirectional gradient maximum of neighborhood blocks to segment the difference maps. On the basis of previous background modeling and segmentation extraction candidate targets, a dim small target detection algorithm for local energy aggregation degree of sequence images is proposed. Experiments show that compared with the traditional algorithm, this method can eliminate the interference of noise to the target and improve the detection ability of the system effectively. 

ISSN: 1687-9384 

eISSN: 1687-9392 

  Copyright © The Institute of Optics And Electronics, The chinese Academy of Sciences
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