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Analysis and Optimization Of The Glass Pattern Realized by a Microlens Array

Title: Analysis and optimization of the Glass pattern realized by a microlens array 

Author(s): Huang, P (Huang, Peng); He, CW (He, Chuanwang); Fan, B (Fan, Bin); Dong, XC (Dong, Xiaochun) 

Source: APPLIED OPTICS  Volume: 58  Issue: 36  Pages: 9976-9982  DOI: 10.1364/AO.58.009976  Published: DEC 20 2019   

Abstract: It is well known that the superposition of two identical random dot patterns may give rise to a particular form of moire effect known as a Glass pattern. By integrating a microlens array and a micropattern array and applying a small geometrical transformation, it is possible to show the parallactic or the orthoparallactic motion effect when varying the viewing angle. In this paper, we study the effect of the structural parameters of a Glass pattern optical system on its image quality. The position of each elemental pattern in the micropattern array is derived based on a revised model that considers the finite observation distance. The image quality is evaluated by the ray analysis on the observation plane and the reconstructed image plane. Rays from different pixels of the micropattern array are evaluated by the spot size. The depth of the Glass pattern in image space is also analyzed. In addition, a Glass pattern optical system is simulated and optimized by ZEMAX software. An optimal result is obtained that validates the theoretical analysis. Our study can find potential application for designing Glass pattern optical systems or optimization of those imaging systems based on microlens arrays. (C) 2019 Optical Society of America 

ISSN: 1559-128X 

eISSN: 2155-3165 

  Copyright © The Institute of Optics And Electronics, The chinese Academy of Sciences
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