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Flexible and Tunable Dielectric Color Meta-hologram

Title: Flexible and Tunable Dielectric Color Meta-hologram 

Author(s): Guo, XY (Guo, Xiaoyi); Pu, MB (Pu, Mingbo); Guo, YH (Guo, Yinghui); Ma, XL (Ma, Xiaoliang); Li, X (Li, Xiong); Luo, XG (Luo, Xiangang) 

Source: PLASMONICS  Volume: 15  Issue: 1  Pages: 217-223  DOI: 10.1007/s11468-019-01025-5  Published: FEB 2020   

Abstract: Metasurface holograms consisting of nanostructures have shown great promise for various applications due to their unique capability of shaping light. However, most of previous work about metasurface holograms suffer from either single color or fixed colors once the metasurface holograms are fabricated. In this paper, a tunable dual-color metasurface hologram based on the extension of flexible substrate is proposed and numerically demonstrated. This scheme shows large potential in dynamic color display and information storage. 

ISSN: 1557-1955 

eISSN: 1557-1963 

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