The Coude Echelle Spectrograph for the Lijiang 1.8m telescope
Title: The Coude Echelle Spectrograph for the Lijiang 1.8m telescope |
Author(s): Wang, XL (Wang, Xiao-Li); Chang, L (Chang, Liang); Wang, L (Wang, Lei); Ji, HX (Ji, Hang-Xin); Xian, H (Xian, Hao); Tang, Z (Tang, Zhen); Xin, YX (Xin, Yu-Xin); Wang, CJ (Wang, Chuan-Jun); He, SS (He, Shou-Sheng); Zhang, JJ (Zhang, Ju-Jia); Lun, BL (Lun, Bao-Li); Wei, K (Wei, Kai); Li, XQ (Li, Xi-Qi); Jiang, XJ (Jiang, Xiao-Jun); Wang, HJ (Wang, Hui-Juan); Li, HB (Li, Hong-Bin); Mao, JR (Mao, Ji-Rong) |
Source: RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS Volume: 20 Issue: 3 Article Number: 032 DOI: 10.1088/1674-4527/20/3/32 Published: MAR 2020 |
Abstract: The Coude Echelle Spectrograph (CES) was originally mounted on Xinglong 2.16 m telescope in 1994. When the High Resolution Fiber-fed Spectrograph (HRS) was commissioned at Xinglong 2.16 m telescope, the red path of CES was moved to Lijiang 1.8 m telescope, following some redesign and reinstallation. The CES of Lijiang 1.8 m telescope has the spectral resolution (R = lambda/Delta lambda) ranging from 20000 to 50000 corresponding to different slit widths. With a 2k x 2k PI CCD, CES has a wavelength coverage between 570 nm to 1030 nm. In particular, the resolution of 37000 at 0.5 mm slit corresponds to 1.3 '' on the sky. The limiting magnitude is V = 11.5 with the use of the tip-tilt feedback system, and the S/N is about 40 for 1 hour exposure at 600 nm (R = 37000). During the installation of CES, the tip-tilt mirror technology had successfully fulfilled high precision guiding and tracking for high resolution spectral observation and significantly improved the observation efficiency. |
ISSN: 1674-4527 |
eISSN: 2397-6209 |