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Minimized Two- and Four-Step Varifocal Lens Based on Silicon Photonic Integrated Nanoapertures

Title: Minimized two- and four-step varifocal lens based on silicon photonic integrated nanoapertures 

Author(s): Ha, YL (Ha, Yingli); Guo, YH (Guo, Yinghui); Pu, MB (Pu, Mingbo); Zhang, F (Zhang, Fei); Li, X (Li, Xiong); Ma, XL (Ma, Xiaoliang); Xu, MF (Xu, Mingfeng); Luo, XG (Luo, Xiangang) 

Source: OPTICS EXPRESS  Volume: 28  Issue: 6  Pages: 7943-7952  DOI: 10.1364/OE.386418  Published: MAR 16 2020   

Abstract: Integration of optical waveguide and subwavelength structure may help address the problems of large footprint, low robustness, and small operation bandwidth, those of that are typically inborn in traditional integrated optical devices. Here, a design method of an ultra-compact small footprint lens is proposed. Combing particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm with spatial multiplexing technology, we successfully integrated two- and four-step varifocal lenses on SOIs chips with small footprint of 35x35 mu m(2), non-mechanically leading to 2.5x and 3.4x zoom capacity, respectively. The proposed designed method may shed a new light on compact on-chip display devices and offer an alternative approach to design integrated optical communication with high information storage capacity. (C) 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement 

ISSN: 1094-4087 

  Copyright © The Institute of Optics And Electronics, The chinese Academy of Sciences
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