Dynamic Control of the Extraordinary Optical Scattering in Semicontinuous 2D Metamaterials
Title: Dynamic Control of the Extraordinary Optical Scattering in Semicontinuous 2D Metamaterials
Author(s): Li, X (Li, Xiong); Pu, MB (Pu, Mingbo); Wang, YQ (Wang, Yanqin); Ma, XL (Ma, Xiaoliang); Li, Y (Li, Yang); Gao, H (Gao, Hui); Zhao, ZY (Zhao, Zeyu); Gao, P (Gao, Ping); Wang, CT (Wang, Changtao); Luo, XG (Luo, Xiangang)
Source: ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS Volume: 4 Issue: 5 Pages: 659-663 DOI: 10.1002/adom.201500713 Published: MAY 2016
Abstract: Coherent control of the reflection and refraction in semicontinuous metasurfaces is realized. Both the reflection and refracton efficiency of a single-layered metasurface can be greatly improved with this method. By controlling the relative phase between the signal beam and the control beam, the Snell's law can be dynamically manipulated. This method may open possibilities to the practical application of metasurfaces.
IDS Number: DO2GV
ISSN: 2195-1071